
Do you want to know more about the IT world, the new trends in technology and the world of essedi? These are the latest news

The U.S.  «Association For Computing and Machinery» awarded Italian Silvio Micali the prestigious Turing Award (also known as «Nobel for Informatics»). The award is dedicated to Alan Turing, the founder of modern computing and virtually the inventor of computers. The Turing Machine is (or, more briefly MdT) is a machine that manipulates data on a...

Essedi is a company dedicated to development and management of IT projects. With almost a decade of experience developing APPs, Webs, Internet of Things and cloud infrastructures.


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    Essedi IT Consulting SL. Av.da Conte de Serrallo 41. 46250 L’Alcudia (Valencia) – España – CIF: B98691025
