Debian Wheezy Released


The new version of Debian, the most widely used distribution of GNU / Linux for server has been released today. Debian has arrived now at version 7.0 and is called Wheezy. As always, the name was chosen by one of the names of the characters of Toy Story. Debian is one of the most stable and reliable version of GNU / Linux and it is the most common choice for server farms.

Debian Wheezy (version 7.0) is now available for download.

The most stable distribution of GNU / Linux, Debian, is available for download on

Among the most important new features of this release include:

  • Gnome vers. 3.4, a much improved version of the Desktop Manager, now significantly higher than the rival KDE.
  • Extensive hardware support, works on virtually all PCs and Servers without the need for installation of hardware thanks to Linux Kernel 3.2
  • Enhanced support for server LAMP (Linux, Apache 2, MySQL, PHP).

EsseDi IT Consulting provides maintenance services for servers based on GNU / Linux, Debian Wheezy included.

The next stable version of Debian will be called Jessy while the release date has not yet been made known.

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    Essedi IT Consulting SL. Av.da Conte de Serrallo 41. 46250 L’Alcudia (Valencia) – España – CIF: B98691025
