EasyCommerce major release


EasyCommerce arrived at version 3.0 today. Much more functionality like better grafic, suppliers management, order workflow management and…

We announce the last EasyCommerce major release. We are now at version 3.0. Between all new functionalities we would like to highlight:

  • Improved graphic for backend users
  • Suppliers management and automatic orders
  • Orders workflow management and customization
  • Complete customization of automatic emails received by customers
  • Month balance

Please contact us to try EasyCommerce and start selling on the internet right now!

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    Essedi IT Consulting SL. Av.da Conte de Serrallo 41. 46250 L’Alcudia (Valencia) – España – CIF: B98681025 - All rights reserved

    Essedi IT Consulting SL. Av.da Conte de Serrallo 41. 46250 L’Alcudia (Valencia) – España – CIF: B98691025
